Each year, about 4 million babies are born in the United States. However, 24,000 of them suffer from birth injury. What accounts for birth injury? And how to recognize birth injury? The Rich Firm, PC will explain them to you.
Leading Causes of Birth Injuries
A birth injury is defined as any type of damage or trauma sustained by an infant just before, during, or after birth. This includes a broad spectrum of injuries, including anything from lacerations or bruising caused by trauma during the birth to nerve or brain damages caused by complications such as breech births or oxygen deprivation. Birth injuries can result as the product of natural factors, but unfortunately, medical malpractice is a large contributor. In many cases, the infant will fully recover within weeks, though damage incurred during birth may be permanent or even fatal. These are some of the leading causes of birth injuries.
Infant Size
When a baby is either very large or very small (especially in the case of premature births), injuries become more likely to both child and mother. In the case of large babies, common injuries include bruising or scarring due to the use of forceps and partial paralysis in the shoulder or face due to pressure on the nerves of the child during birth.
Maternal Complications
A number of maternal factors can influence the safety of the child during birth. Some common examples include cephalopelvic disproportion, in which the size and shape of the mother’s pelvis makes vaginal delivery unsafe or dystocia (prolonged labor) which can also cause complications.
Infant Positioning
During birth, an infant often moves, twisting itself into strange contortions or even positioning itself to be delivered legs first, otherwise known as a breech birth. In these cases, the umbilical cord can become entangled with the child, causing oxygen deprivation that may result in cerebral palsy or mental impairment.
Medical malpractice may play a factor in any birth injury, regardless of the source. Errors may cause the injuries themselves or increase the severity or permanence. Some instances in which medical malpractice suits may arise include:
- Failure to anticipate complications during birth where signs indicate they may appear, such as with larger babies or with maternal health issues.
- Failure to respond to umbilical cord entrapment.
- Failure to respond appropriately to bleeding.
- Misuse of forceps or a vacuum extractor.
Different Types of Birth Injuries
Not only is childbirth a hard, painful process for the mother, but it can be plagued with complications for the newborn child. When these complications arise, the delivering medical professionals should be able to handle them. However, negligence and recklessness can turn small problems into much bigger ones. Here are a few different types of birth injuries that can result from a medical professional’s ineptitude:
Spinal Cord Trauma
A newborn child’s body is extremely delicate. If a medical professional mishandles a newborn infant during delivery, the child’s spinal cord could be terribly injured. Since the spinal cord is responsible for all of the feeling and movement of the body, a spinal injury can affect the child’s growth or ability to walk, making life much more difficult for the victim.
Cerebral Palsy
Since a newborn child’s skull is extremely soft and delicate, his brain is highly susceptible to serious harm. If the delivering doctor misuses forceps or deprives the infant of oxygen, the child may suffer a certain kind of brain damage known as cerebral palsy. The severity of cerebral palsy is determined largely by the extent of the damage.
Pre/Perinatal Asphyxia
It’s the doctor’s responsibility to keep a child safe not only during birth, but while the child is in the womb as well. When the umbilical cord is wrapped around the child’s neck, it is the medical staff’s duty to detect it before it becomes a big problem, and plan the delivery accordingly. If the asphyxia leads to serious health complications, you should hire a lawyer in order to pursue compensation.
Injuries can result after the birth as well. For example, a doctor may fail to recognize or properly treat an infection in either the infant or mother as a result of the birth.
Medical malpractice cases are rarely simple. An attorney will want to review all documentation and records concerning hospital and neonatal care when evaluating your case, so be sure to keep records as well as possible. If you suspect that your newborn child’s injuries were sustained as a direct result of a medical professional’s negligence or incompetence, contact The Rich Firm, PC today. We know how heartbreaking a birth defect can be—that’s why we’re dedicated to helping our clients receive the compensation they need to enhance their children’s lives. To learn more, call us at 1-888- RICH-LAW (742-4529).